Начало / About us

Our History

For more than twenty years my father, Karen Arutyunyan, has been dedicated to the natural minerals mined in Bulgaria and the Caucasus region and has done his best to bring their benefits to pharmaceuticals, industry and agriculture.

Our vision

As a child, I had a dream - I wanted to inherit my father's entrepreneurial passion, woven into a cause that helps people and the world, and contribute to it. Today that dream is a reality and I am proud to share, develop and build on it for the better.

Our Mission

Inspired by the boundless richness, power and benefits of natural minerals for our health, I created the brand "Bento Health". With a lot of care, responsibility and love we create natural food supplements and cosmetics based on bentonite clay, (smectite) and Bulgarian zeolite.

This project is entirely dedicated to the pharmaceutical application of minerals for prevention and health. This is my feminine way, as a person, professional and mother, to focus on beauty, the desire for harmony and conscious health.

Our values

Behind our 100% pure, natural and internationally recognized products are years of valuable experience, continuous improvement, love and dedication to our mission. I continue to firmly

believe that everyone deserves the best and quality care for their health. My family and I stand responsibly behind this cause, passing it down from generation to generation.

With personal responsibility to our most valuable asset,

Tamara Arutyunyan-Uzunyan

Who are we ?

Tamara Arutyunyan-Uzunyan

Tamara Arutyunyan-Uzunyan

Tamara Arutyunyan-Uzunyan is co-founder and managing director of Bento Health Ltd. She is an economist by education and holds a Bachelor’s and Master's degrees from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. She has more than 10 years of experience in international business relations, production of natural mineral products, marketing and international trade. Her most important and favorite activity is being a mother of two wonderful boys, 9 and 1 years old.

Karen Arutyunyan

Karen Arutyunyan

Karen Arutyunyan is an economist, natural minerals expert with over 30 years of experience in industrial, agricultural and consumer end products. As an established expert in the field, Karen consults for reputable international companies. Karen is the inspiration, mentor and founder of our family group of companies.

Tihomir Bodursky

Tihomir Bodursky

Tihomir Bodursky is a professional personal trainer and detoxification specialist. He is a graduate of the Steiner Academy in London and ACE - American Council on Exercise. He has studied anatomy and personal training psychology extensively. As part of the Bento Health team, Tihomir can assist you in choosing our products, and programs to achieve and maintain excellent health.